
General Rules:
  • Students are required to bring diaries to school everyday.
  • Students who come to school on their own sgould reach the school at least five minutes before the bell rings.
  • Students are required to go to Assembly rings.
  • Students should always be neatly dressed with their shoes polished and hair done properly. They Should turn out in school uniform daily and on all school functions.
  • Students should always be nearly dressed would be sent back home.
  • Students are advised to make use of the dustbins provis=ded for throwing bits of paper etc. They are expected to keep the school eith their class teacher.
  • Parents and guardians are not permitted to visit the class rooms or visit their wards of take away their wards without the permission of the Principal.
  • The schools as a matter of policy discourage private tuition.
  • The students are always expected to set standards of good conduct and politeness.
  • Parents should ensure that their children do not carry unauthorized books,magazines of periodicals into the school. The Principal will take a very serious view or any breach of those.

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Mahan Singh Gate
Punjab , 143001

Phone : +0183 5056944, 5069327

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